Canni workshop There should be 8 pieces to your Canni plush check, that everything is there. There is also a bag of Stuffing and a bag with sewing supplies Lets start with carefully removing the embroidery backing (the white papery stuff) from all pieces. You can ignore lose threads on the back. If there is a lose thread on the front you can cut it close to the fabric. Thread the needle (I personally prefer to do double thread) Next pin both Head pieces edge to edge together, follow then the pre-sewn line around the head with a backstitch, secure the end by stitching through the fabric and pulling the needle through the created loop. Do this at least twice to be secure. Make a tiny cut in the corner between nose and forehead (blue line) to release the tension on the fabric when turning. DONT cut through your stitches!!!! Turn the head around. The chopstitck helps a lot with the tiny pieces And then stuff it. Use the Ladderstich, to close the head. If you are as Lazy as me, you ight have a longer thread left over. If that is the case, just pull it through the head so that it comes out of the bottom. Now turn the body inside-out and stuff it with the help of the chopstick. Before closing the side with a ladderstitch as well, make sure to add the magnet. Body and head closed now attach the head to the body. I reccommend to pin it to the body before sewing, so you can (if you want) tilt her head the way you like it. Sew at least twice around it, to make sure its secure. A little tip: After securing the end you can pull the needle partial through the body, pulling the thread tighter and cut it close to the body, to hide the thread ends inside. Now on to the ears. Start by pulling the needle from the inside out through the outer right corner. pull the needle then through the outer left corner of the ear. so that there is a long thread piece between those corners. Now pull the thread tight so both corners touch. There should be a cute little fold in te middle (looks like a real one now) Now you start to attach the ear with a ladderstitch sewing around the base of it. Then do the same with the other ear. So far you should have the body. Now lets give her some hair. We start with the piece with the two arms to the side. There is already a pre-cut on that piece which you can use to turn it around. (the little arms can be tricky but the good old chopstick should do thetrick) Stuff the middlepart of the hairpiece slightly and pin it to the head. The little arms should touch the ears. Now start sewing around the headpiece with a ladderstitch. Leave out her bangs and attach them later with a laddestitch to the side of her head. Now turn around her little tail and stuff it. Attach it with a ladderstitch around the base to her tiny butt. Last but not least. attach the backmane (AGAIN) with a ladderstitch to the back of her head. the little nook thats farther out is the bottom of that manepart so make sure that it faces down. But we are not completley done yet. lets be a little „extra“ pull a threaded needle from the crease between her head and body, through her head and out of one side of her snoot. now pull the needle thorugh the opposite side of her face. (so that the thread loops around the outside. By pulling the thread tight you create a little crease. repeat this at least twice, then pull the needle a last time through the opposite side but angle it back to the crese on the back of her head and secure the thread there. (After securing it pull it again through her body, pull tight and cut the thread to hide the thread inside. TADAAAA you are done and now you have tiny canni friend that can sit upon your shoulder <3