How to sew your palm pony 1. first of all check that all your plush parts are in the box (the amount varies between characters) 2. Start to carefully peel off all left over embroidery backing (except for the parts you have to sew together on your own) 3. Turn everything right side out. The fluffy side should be out now. 4. Stuff the body to your liking and then close it with a ladderstitch. 5. Now we head on over to the head. Pin both pieces right side together and sew them, following the pre sewn line close with a backstitch. Make a tiny cut between the snoot and forehead (green on the picture) without cutting through the seam. Then turn it inside out as well. 6. Stuff the head and close it with a ladderstitch. 7. Pin the head to the body looking straight forward and attach it as well with a ladderstitch. 8. Now the ears. Pull the thread from the inside out at one tip, then pull the needle through the other. If you pull it tight the ear should get a cute little fold. 9. Then attach the ear as well with a ladderstitch to the head. Do the same on the other side. 10. If your Plush has a Horn, Fold it in half and sew it close with a backstitch. Then attach it to the forehead of your plush. 12. If your Plush has wings pull your thread from the inside of the base of your wing out and attach them on the back of your plush with a ladderstitch. for The Luna Kit you start by pinning and sewing both mane and tail parts together, following the pre sewn line. With the mane follow the line shown in the picture so that there is a little notch left that needs to be closed. Turn both parts right side out. The next part is a bit tricky but manageable. Close the notch in the mane part with a latterstitch. This is where the ear peeks out. Start with the bigger mane part by attaching the back first. You might have to move it around a little to make it fit. Then attach the back part of the mane with a ladderstitch. Now take the front part of the mane and pull it back so that both parts add up to each other. Since this part would be really hard to sew arounf the head we only attach it right next to the back part of the mane. (To be honest the mane sits really snug so there wouldnt be much gaping either) now take the tiny forehead lock stuff it slightly and attach it with a ladderstitch on the other side of her horn. Stuff her tail and attach it with a laderstitch as well. Now your little palm pony Luna is finished. These are your parts for the a Derpy palmpone Start by turning around the tail (3) and stuffing it. Then attach it with a ladderstitch to the back of your Pony The front part of the mane (1) has a cut on the backside to turn it right side out. give it a slight stuffing and attach it with a laddersstitch between her ears to the top of her head. Last also turn arround the back piece of her mane. (This one needs no stuffing) and sew it with a ladderstitch around it to the back of her head. These are the mane and tail pieces for your Fluttershy. Start with turning them right side out. Stuff the tail (3) and attach it with a ladderstitch. Now attach your mane to the top of her head, it should end a little behind her ears. Use a ladderstich around the base. You can attach the tip of it to the side of her head by pulling the thread through the mane and head a few time. (basically a ladderstitch just without change the spot) Now attach the back of her mane (2) to her head. you can also attach the tip of this part to the side of her head like with her top part.